
I’m supposed to tell you all about us . . . but, it’s really all about what we are doing here.

We’re terriers. That means we are tenacious about everything. So when we get an idea, we follow it through. All the way.

We like to communicate. We talk, but it’s not working with our humans. They don’t seem to understand us. So we’ve taken to mental telepathy. You never know what you can do until you have to. Well, one of us (me) can think in pictures, and the “other one” likes to bark. A lot. So we hit on the idea that it might be quieter to write. We have to communicate, right? So we have these pictures that need words. Your words. He can’t write. Well there it is. The idea is born. I think up a picture and send the thought over to my humans who can draw. I guess we’re a Mom and Pups business. Well, Dad is there too, but I can’t add him to my little joke, so I’ll just mention him. Simple, right?

We live in the Desert Southwest in the US. So we’ll share some of that life with you, but mostly, we are traveling in our minds and drawing all about it. Take a look.