Card front and back.

We all have our own ideas. And that’s perfect!

Different ideas can compliment each other like Bonjour! and HowdyDo! When ideas meet, a new story is born. It may be funny, inspiring or full of warmth for others. Whatever the story turns out to be, it will be a welcome bit of yourself, a great gift.

How does all this come together?

Choose a theme for whatever inspiration it brings to mind. Winter in July, anyone? All cards are double-sided and available for purchase from the Collection Page.

Tinsel Tree Card inside

Tell your story. Each card has a back and a front side. Any blank space is available for writing and is meant to allow your thoughts to blend in with the images by flowing altogether. See a small texture in an otherwise blank area? That’s just there to help create a complete picture and it’s fine to write all over it. The words may wander a playful pathway through the images or jump from one place to another. It’s all part of the fun of creating something brand new.


Some cards are vertical, some horizontal and some are both.


Writing in the waves works for this card.


What tool should I use to write with? Because you are writing right on the images, the very best writing tools are permanent markers with a fine tip. A good example would be an ultra fine Sharpie permanent marker, not the gel marker. Test your writing tool in an obscure place by making a few marks before you decide. Some pens may not be compatible with the paper and ink of the images and may dry slowly or not well at all, so give the test a bit of time to dry. This is more important for the cards with darker writing areas. The permanent marker should work just fine on every card.

How can I know how long my story will be? Writing your story out on a test paper of similar size first is a good way to see how it will fit. This can also help you fit your story to the two pages better. Everyone writes at a different size, so if you make a first draft, then you will know approximately how it will look when you are done.

What if my story too short to fill the inside pages? If you have a great but shorter story, or even just a few words, you can change the size of your writing, even within the same story. Sometimes, changing the size of writing can be really useful when you want to emphasize a point, and that will help stretch your story out too! But you don’t really have to fill all the space. Sometimes space can help emphasize a thought.

What if I don’t like my story? Sometimes it’s best to step away from your creative effort and come back after a walk or other activity. It’s not uncommon to have a sticking point in a project, but it’s most likely not time to quit. Many artists and writers come up with solutions to problems during a walk. Just stick with it, but come back later. Your mind will have a chance to work it out if you stop directly focusing on it for a bit, and if you are writing a test on other paper, you can always change your mind.

How do you ship? We ship anywhere in the United States for free. Click here for more detailed information about turn around times and all the rest of how your card will be sent. If you are not in the US, contact us for more information.

topiary front example.png

Plenty of room to write on the lawn and even in the water.